Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Time flies When Your Having Fun - Really?!?

We have been having a lot of fun around here...  
               but it doesn't make the wait for our adoption "fly"!

So what kind of fun stuff? 
  • My parents came out twice! They recently retired and have been on vacation for months now. They rented a condo for 3 weeks near the beginning of the year. It was wonderful, they were only a block from the beach and had beautiful ocean views. Then they traveled some more and recently came back for two weeks. 
  • They bought a house only 5 hours away (verses 5 states). Which means we can go visit for weekends!
  • I thoroughly enjoyed my Easter break from school! Loved having a whole weeks vacation... can't wait for summer!
  • My brother came out and stayed with me during my Easter break to hang out with his favorite sister and nephew!
  • I had a very fun birthday party! The most amazing thing about my party is this: my husband arranged it all and asked people to donate to my plane ticket to Rwanda instead of gifts. My friends were so generous! The support I feel is huge! God has blessed me genuine friends - I am truly grateful for the people God has put in my life. They are the REAL DEAL!
  • My wonderful husband surprised me with a stand up paddle board for my birthday- he is horrible with surprises so I still can't believe he pulled it off! Watch the video :)
We still haven't heard anything about our adoption. I'm asked at least once a week by someone (if not more) what's going on with the adoption. All I say is, "I'm still waiting, waiting, waiting... but there has been movement!" I continue to hear of families recieving their non-objection letters (a letter from the Rwandan government saying they approve you to adopt) and referrals (information about the child they have matched you with to adopt). I've heard they are in the 80s and we are 143, so still a way to go. I thought this Summer would be the latest we would wait, but it seems like Fall will be the earliest. Now, I'm just hoping it all happens before our home study and everything else starts to expire (it has a year shelf life). Please keep us in your prayers and for things to happen sooner rather than later! Thanks!

In the mean time, I've been spending my "free" time helping put together curriculum with our church for adoptive parents. It's sort of a how-to on parenting children from hard places (like orphanages or foster care or other difficult situations). It's what I have been doing instead of posting on my blog-lol!! I'm really thrilled about it. One side benefit is that all this knowledge is saturating my brain. I'm so grateful for this outlet, I couldn't think of a better way to wait! Such a blessing from God. He has been so good to me.

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